Longshot Competition Kit

This is our competition kit, perfect for clubs and organizations. This is the same setup we use for scoring. The kit comes with your choice of four, five or six cameras. It includes the tripods, chargers, NVR with display and a multi-outlet for charging.


The kit has been upgraded from the normal LR-3/Marksman cameras. The Wi-Fi connectivity has been upgraded from 2.4GHZ to 5.8GHZ allowing more users to connect at the same time when not using the NVR and less lag time. The frame rate has been increased to 24fps. Microphones will be installed allowing sound to be recorded and heard on the NVR. Each camera will also include an external battery to extend the run time. 


The cameras all connect to one receiver which will be connected to the NVR by an ethernet cable we provide. The NVR will record all cameras at the same time and allow playback while recording so you can review hits or misses while still keeping a record. The NVR does require power. 


The system will connect to the NVR or a tablet/phone, not both at the same time. Using the NVR does not allow use of the app, only recording of a higher quality. 


*Allow 4-6 weeks for programming and setup. 

Bulletproof Warranty




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